. . . even if you really don't know where you're heading.
I have now got a grand total of five posts that I have started and run out of steam with.
But - here's the thing - I really do want to start writing here again on a regular basis, I guess I just need to get back in the habit.
Like just doing what I used to do, moan about stuff that pisses me off and write about things that happen in the course of my
(And do far too much of that
So. . .
I finished work early today and went into the town centre to run a few errands, then decided I deserved a treat from Burger King. As I'm sat there stuffing my face I can see a homeless man sat in a doorway opposite. He just looked so dejected, he had his head down most of the time, like he'd given up even trying to beg.
After I'd finished my food I bought a takeaway and a coffee and went and gave it to him.
As the guy looked up and smiled at me he actually looked like he might cry.
I didn't do it for the karma, I did it because I figured he would be hungry, it was cold, and he looked like he needed someone to at least SEE him.
But. . .
I walked on a bit further, but I had a few shopping bags that were getting awkward to carry so I stopped to sort them out. Whilst I'm doing this a couple walked past me, having come from the direction where the homeless guy was sat.
As they passed me I heard the fella say . . . "sat there begging but he can afford a Burger King".
I nearly said something.
But I didn't.
Even homeless people got to eat. But I suppose he's probably one of those twats who think the only reason people beg is to buy heroin and vodka.
Also, I am getting very pissed off at all the fiasco over Maggie Thatcher.
Mostly the cost of the funeral, at the same time as various benefit cuts are being introduced. This country is going down the financial pan pretty fucking past. I know there are other countries far worse off then us, but it seems to me that the priorities are wrong here.
Last week I watched an article on the news about the benefit cuts, there was an interview with a single mother who was crying because she was worried about becoming homeless. She said she couldn't even afford to take her son swimming.
Then five minutes later on the same programme they announce that the queen is to be given extra money from the civil list (ie tax payers money) to cover the cost of her "royal duties". How does someone who is among the worlds richest people and who owns several very large houses get to be entitled to more of our hard earned taxes when some of her "subjects" are living in cardboard boxes ? Or in fear that they might end up doing that ?
And just what exactly are those "royal duties". Holidays to far flung places to shake hands with dictators, terrorists and despots no doubt.
I don't like paying tax. It hurts when I look at my wage slip and see what I actually earnt compared to what I actually get in the bank. But there was a time when I was a single mother with a young child and I am very fucking grateful that I live in a county where our rent was taken care of and where healthcare is free. And I know that other peoples taxes paid for that so I can't really complain too loudly if mine are now doing that for someone else.
However I do object to funding Liz's lifestyle.
Or Maggies funeral.
Guess this means I'm well and truly back :)